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Special Update on Gold: Part 2 "Time to Accumulate a Safe Haven" by Bill Wermine.

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Dear Readers,

For those who heed Bill and Martin's advice would have protected their themselves from the destruction of the stock market by investing in gold. (See Aug 2011 Stock Market Comments). In this Part 2 & Update on the Gold, Bill  unravels the developments on the precious metals and how you can avoid the coming collapse of the markets and protect your hard earned money like those clients of us who benefitted earlier.

p/s: It took me almost 2 years to believe in the "The Gold as a Safe Haven" when Bill first told me. In 2007, I took my step to invest in this precious metals and have not look back since. Most of our clients who have been with us for a long time  took slightly longer time i.e. 3-4 years to be convinced of "The Gold as a Safe Haven".

Now ask yourself that question, "How long would it take you to be convinced?". Dont wait anymore. Take action ! And watch the video (23 mins) below by Bill Wermine.


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-Martin Wong-
Licensed Fund Manager
Phillip Capital Management S.B.

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