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Dec 2011 Stock Market Comment : Searching for safety in 2012!

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OUR FINAL MAIN COURSE VSA OF THE YEAR - DEC 10-12, 2011 ! Click here !

Dear Readers,

A Big Year-End Splash Party await us with likely another bullish month finished as we are swing to year-end 2011 after numerous "flash" global market collapses and quick rebounds. The market reversed from a low base @ 1310 level  to finish with one of the strongest rebound as KLSE stock market gains +6-7% for Nov 2011.

Jan Effect

We were bearish for the Oct 2011 with possible double dips recession in US ahead (See Oct 2011 posting). However, it doesn't mean it wont come, perhaps later in 2012 as the US politicians and the Euro Zone technocrats are postponing the current problems by printing more money - "kicking the can down the road."

Click here for Martin's Video presentation : Dec 2011 Stock Market Comment. See click.


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-Martin Wong-
Licensed Fund Manager
Phillip Capital Management S.B.

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