
.:: Kursus Asas Pelaburan Saham dan Kelas Analisa Teknikal KLSE ::.


TradersTruthRevealed.Com Turns Five This Month, Sept 2013.

Special Offers -10% Off on New Premium Members Signup for 5 Years Birthday Bash

It has been a great five years journey since TradersTruthRevealed.Com was conceived back in Sept 2008. Since then, the market has gone thru up and down but not us. 
We have going strong with your continuous support and feedback, thus it make us better to response to your need so more of us can benefit from the financial market. 
To celebrate this Birthday Bash, Start immediately 1 Sept 2013 until 30 Sept 2013. The discount is valid for all new members signup only. You can buy this as a gift for others and Not Limited to any amount.
Note: This offer is only valid for cash payment only!

For speedy registration of your membership, you can bank-in the cash.

A. 3 Months Subscription Original @ RM 346 ! Now @ RM267.30 (-10%)+ RM49 (Joining Fee) =RM316.30



B. 1 Year Subscription & Pay only 10 mths to enjoy 12 mths @ RM990 1 year membership and RM 49 joining fee ! Now @ RM 891 (-10%) + RM49 (Joining Fee) = RM940

MayBank Acct Name : Investmatic Management

MayBank Acct No: 514 1781 43530

Amount : Option A or B


For more details of Premium Membership + 3 Mths Access to Magic Scanner, Click below:


Offer Only until 30 Sept 2013 !


- Admin-

Investmatic Management, Suite 1208, Level 12, AmCorp Tower, No: 18 Persiaran Barat, Petaling Jaya, Selangor DE, Petaling Jaya 46050, Malaysia
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.


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