
.:: Kursus Asas Pelaburan Saham dan Kelas Analisa Teknikal KLSE ::.


Readers, here is Part 6 of Thirteen Part series - 12 Commandments for Achieving Super Wealth‏‏‏


12 Commandments for Achieving Super Wealth -

 Surprising Rules for Life From Ordinary People Who Made It Big


Continued from last issue....(click here to read last week)


Commandment No: 6

Don't Set Goals - Execute Them 

Having goals is important, say the successful, but executing them is crucial to success. "Just get up every day and do the best you can that day," counsels Enterprise Products Partners Co-founder and Chairman Dan Duncan. "Daily incremental improvement is the surest path to great success and great fortune. You've got to be able to execute every day."


Click here to read rest of article...

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Martin Wong

Trading Coach

Investmatic Management, SoHo, Ara Damansara, Selangor DE, Petaling Jaya 47301, Malaysia

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